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Final Project

Neo Feminism; exploring the female body through color!

So one day this photographer wakes up and is tired of seeing women portrayed the same way over and over again. If the female body is to be viewed as equal to men then it should stand up to their standards as well; topless and disoriented. To a general audience, the topless male body is perceived as a normal occurrence. The male form is generally flat chested, barren, and not distracting to the general public's speculation. However, if a women were to go about her business bare chested she would be shunned and told to cover up. With that being said, I feel as if these images will direct the mind into a new fascination of the female anatomy. These colorful photographs will demonstrate female anatomy distortion as a metaphor for the struggle of equality between sexes. In the hopes that one day the female body will be as equally accepted as the male body in society.

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